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Sara Carrasco - Fernando Hernández - Juana Sancho - Judit Vidiella - Jennifer Wicks

University of Barcelona  

ERAM College (University of Girona)  

Concordia University

Sharing ABR professional trajectories

 Dr Kim Snepvangers

 UNSW Sydney: Art & Design 

Visual Ecologies: Artistic research in stable, dynamic and interstitial relation

 Rocío Lara-Osuna 

 University of Granada 

A viewfinder for the representation of walking: building C/A/R/Tographies based on José Val del Omar’s visual inquiries 

Martha Patricia Espíritu Zavalza

Universidad de Guadalajara

The methodological proposal of somatic education as an alternative for exploration and research in the creative laboratory. A proposal of education and research in arts from experience

Maria Avariento - Paloma Palau-Pellicer - Joaquin Roldan

University of Jaume I

University of Granada

The art work of Nancy Spero, an Artistic Research with

Paloma Palau-Pellicer - Jessica Castillo

University Jaume I of Castellon

University of Granada

Neighborhoods as matrices: an a/r/tographic itinerary as an
appropriation of an everyday place through printmaking

Genevieve Cloutier

Research & Art 

Jennifer Wicks

Concordia University

Art creation as iterative practice

Adrienne Boulton

The stating and creating of problems:
Apply the test of true and false problems themselves

Alicia Arias-Camisón Coello

University of Granada

Micro-Walks :An embodied and photographic
experience through art creation

Antonio Félix Vico Prieto

Universidad de Jaén

Art education: body language, visual art and music

Yael Guilat  - Sigal Arie

Oranim Academic College of Education 

The Faculty of Advances Studies 

Becoming researcher in-Between:
Formation of an Integrated Identity in A/R/Tographic Research  

Francisco Schwember – Guillermo Marini 

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Class lessons: Art-Based Research in Vulnerable Educational Context

Estibaliz Aberasturi-Apraiz - Regina Guerra Guezuraga  - José Miguel Correa Gorospe  - Aingeru Gutiérrez-Cabello

University of the Basque Country

Contributions from the study of performance to artistic education

Fiona Blaikie

Brock University

Immanence and Transcendence in the Arts-Based Inquiry Scholarship
of Rita Irwin and Donal O’Donoghue

 Yael Guilat - Fatima Abu-Roomi

Oranim College 

We’re creating a reality and it’s changing us: Mentoring agency in ABR higher education in an (unequal) multicultured society 

Fernando Hernández-Hernández - Carlos Canales-Bonilla 

University of Barcelona 

Disrupting learning and teaching relationships at the University by inquiring students and teachers’ social fears through Arts based Research 

Joanna Fursman

Performing on the surface of school: the work of the image in practice-based art research

 Timo Jokela - Mirja Hiltunen 

University of Lapland

 At the crossroads of art-based action research: Social justice and businesses 

Koichi Kasahara

Tokyo Gakugei University

Present and Future Places of Arts-Based Research
within the Current Educational Reform in Japan

Natalie LeBlanc - Rita Irwin

University of British Columbia

Cosmopolitanism as ‘Cultural Creativity’
in Arts Based and Artistic Research

Ricardo Marín-Viadel - Ana Varea - Radael Linan-Vallecillos 

University of Granada

Three theoretical approaches to Visual A/r/tography: peripatetic inquiry, urban cartography and audiovisual installation 

María Isabel Moreno-Montero - María Martínez Morales - Pilar Soto-Sánchez

University of Jaen

Artistic research is NOT qualitative research. The case of “Ocupa tu calle”
(Occupy your street)”

Noemí Peña Sánchez

University of La Laguna

Rethinking a multicultural art education approach
addressing social equity issues

Beatriz Galuban & Shoshana McIntosh

University of North Texas

Profanation and Prolonging: A Conversation between Art-based Research Projects

María Isabel Moreno-Montero - María Martínez Morales - Pilar Soto-Sánchez

University of Jaen

 Relational objects. Mail Art as an A/R/Tographic experience with a community 

Montserrat Rifà-Valls - Estibaliz Aberasturi-Apraiz - Regina Guerra Guezuraga


Rhizomatic narratives of learning: a visual collaborative research on childhood and
adolescence in pre-service teacher education

Tara Page

Goldsmiths University of London

With care: The ethics of art practice research

Dan Barney

The Art of Dissemination

Leísa Sasso - Mirian Celeste Martyns

Presbyterian Mackenie University

An Intruded poetics in education: From a/r/tography as methodology for a philosophy of the educational process 

Kate Wurtzel

The space of overlap: Micro disruptions explored through minor practices

Geraldine Burke

Monash University

Touching uncertainty with arts-based research
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